Friday, July 22, 2011

Day Three

Though we are fully aware of the fact that things are really easy right now (still in the hospital), it seems that there has been little time for posting.  Once we get home, the time will be much more limited so today is the day.  All three babies are doing very well ~ learning to eat, sleeping much of the time (Hope they keep that up!) and generally getting cooed over by their parents, family, and friends.  The medical staff continues to be amazed that they didn't need the NICU and that they are faring so well.  We are so grateful for both of those things.  Pictures below are from yesterday and today.  It was a feat keeping the right names with the right faces.  We will need to paint a toenail or two before we remove the id bracelets! 

Laura napping

Eliza not napping

Eliza and Laura

Sims is totally uninterested in the camera...good thing with two sisters!

Eliza, Laura, and Sims

A family portrait while we can get one.

Thrilled mom
Thank you for your prayers and constant encouragment. Can't wait for these three to realize what great friends and family members they are blessed with!

1 comment:

  1. Ramsay & Graham, Congratulations on three little beauties!!! Glad all is well and I can't wait to see you all in person. Love you and thinking about you. Lida E
